Rotkva (raphanus sativus)
Dating > Rotkva (raphanus sativus)
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Dating > Rotkva (raphanus sativus)
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Lipidni perosiradikali lančanom reakcijom preko kaskade peroksida zahvataju sve veći deo lipida u membrani dovode do oštećenja ćelije i konačno njene smrti. Najbolje bi bilo da se na bazi čistoće, klijavosti, mase 1000 semena i optimalnog broja biljaka u žetvi izračuna setvena norma. Rana setva ima prednost zbog boljeg nicanja, boljeg iskorišćavanja zimskih rezervi vlage i uspešnije borbe sa korovima i insektima.
In the future taxonomists will have to come up with a distinctive epithet or an official group name to separate each of those from the others. DANISH : Grøn ræddikke, Kinaradise, Rød ræddikke, Sort ræddike, Vinterræddike. Ako se sve navedeno uzme u obzir, dubina setve treba da se kreće između 2 i 4 cm. CHINESE : Ou zhou luo bo, Hong luo bo zi Cantonese Hung loh paak tsai. Stankevich, Raphanus sativus L. ENGLISH : Japanese wild radish , Radish weed, Wild radish, Weedy radish. Japonicus Group , Raphanus sativus L. Bailey forma bicolor var.
C or known by the French name Gros Noir d'Hiver. Broj otvora i njihov prečnik mogu biti i drugačiji. Domestication of plants in the Old World 3rd ed.
EPPO Global Database - Crna rotkva spada u red biljaka krstašica. Kada se jede u sirovom stanju, često izaziva nadimanje u trbuhu.
Morel ex Sisley Stankev. FDAM Mrkv SwedMus GCW USDA Mansf NOPD Flcyb GRIN Pan M M P N D CRDP Wang W3Trop LibHerb SavMark IPNI ISF Yas Raphanus raphanistroides Makino Nakai NOPD Mansf SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. ENGLISH : Japanese wild radish , Radish weed, Wild radish, Weedy radish. Yas CHINESE : Ye luo bo. ENGLISH : Wild radish , Jointed charlock, Runch. FRENCH : Ravenelle, Raifort sauvage, Raveluche. GERMAN : Ackerrettich, Acker-Rettich, Echter Hederich, Hederich. ITALIAN : Rafano selvatico, Rafanistro. KOREAN : Seo yang mu a jae bi. RUSSIAN : Red'ka dikaia. SPANISH : Rabanille, Rabanillo blanco, Rabaniza, Rabaniza comun, Rábano cimarron Latin America , Rábano silvestre. SWEDISH : Åkerrättika, Vanlig åkerrättika. ARABIC : Fijil, فجل Fujl. BENGALI : মুলো Mulō. CHINESE : Luo bo , Luo bo Cantonese loh paak , Lai fu, Ou zhou luo bo. CROATIAN : Rotkva, Rotkvica. FINNISH : Retiisi, Retikka, Ruokaretikka. GERMAN : Rettich, Garten-Rettich, Radieschen. HEBREW : צנונית Tznonit. HINDI : Mulla, Mooli, Muli, मूली Mūlī. ITALIAN : Rafano, Ravanello. KHMER : Chhaay thaaw. LAOTIAN : Kaad khaaw. MARATHI : मूलक Mūlaka, मुळा. NEPALESE : मुलो Mulo. PERSIAN : تربچه Torobcheh. POLISH : Rzodkiew, Rzodkiewka. PUNJABI : ਮੂਲੀ Mūlī. RUSSIAN : Редис Redis, Редька огородная Red'ka ogorodnaia Red'ka ogorodnaja , Редька посевная Red'ka posevnaia. SANSKRIT : मूलक Muulaka, राजालुक. SPANISH : Rábano, Rabanito Latin America. TAMIL : மூலம் Muulam, முள்ளங்கி Mullangki. THAI : หัวผัก กาดขาว Hua phak kat khao Hua pàk gàat kaao , หัวไช เท้า Hua chai táo, Ma puek Chiang Mai , Phak kat hua Central Thailand , Phak poek hua Northern Thailand. URDU : مولى Mūlī. VIETNAMESE : Củ cải , Củ dền , Radi. Economic Plant Photographs 11. VIETNAMESE : Củ cải đỏ. This should be the acceptable official name for the cultivated radish advanced by the Russian school of thought encompassing all the groups below. Caudatus Group SYNONYM S : Raphanus caudatus L. Bailey, Raphanus sativus L. Vilmorin Yas , Raphanus sativus L. DUTCH : Slangen radijs. ENGLISH : Rat-tailed radish, Rat's tail radish, Java radish, Edible-podded radish. FRENCH : Radis de Madras, Radis serpent. GERMAN : Geschwänzter Rettich, Rattenschwanzrettich, Schlangenrettich. HINDI : Awaiting feedback. KOREAN : NHRI Kko tu ri yong mu. MALAY : Awaiting feedback. SINHALESE : Awaiting feedback. Name of uncertain origin : Mougri. Chinensis Group SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. Kerner, Raphanus sativus L. Yas AFRIKAAN : Swartradijs. CHINESE : Hei luo bo, Qing luo bo. CROATIAN : Crna rotkva. DANISH : Grøn ræddikke, Kinaradise, Rød ræddikke, Sort ræddike, Vinterræddike. DUTCH : Rammenas, Chinese radijs, Chinese rammenas , Groene winterradijs, Rode winterradijs. ENGLISH : Oriental radish, Black radish, Winter radish, Spanish radish, Japanese winter radish, Chinese winter radish, Turnip radish. FRENCH : Gros gris, Gros raifort noir, Radis d'Espagne, Radis d'hiver, Radis noir, Radis-navet, Raifort des Parisiens, Raifort cultivé. GERMAN : Rettiche, Winterrettich. ITALIAN : Ramolaccio, Ravanello nero, Rafano nero. KOREAN : NHRI Gi leum mu as var. SPANISH : Rábano chino, Rábano negro, Rábano de invierno. Types : Long green-fleshed green-skinned, Round green-fleshed green-skinned, Round white-fleshed red-skinned, Round white-fleshed white-skinned, Long white-fleshed black-skinned, Round white-fleshed black-skinned , Long white-fleshed brown-skinned, Long white-fleshed purple-skinned, Long white-fleshed yellow-skinned. Chinensis Group ' Long Black Spanish ' CHINESE : Hei luo bo. DUTCH : Zwarte rammenas. ENGLISH : Black radish, Winter radish. FRENCH : Gros gris, Gros raifort noir, Radis d'Espagne, Radis d'hiver, Radis noir, Radis-navet, Raifort des Parisiens, Raifort cultivé. Chinensis Group ' Red Meat ' SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. Chinensis Group ' Red Flesh Daikon ' ENGLISH : Red-fleshed daikon, Rose-fleshed round Japanese radish, Green-skinned round Japanese radish. FINNISH : Kiinanretiisi 'Red Meat'. Chinensis Group ' Japanese Round Green ' ENGLISH : Japanese round green daikon, Round green-fleshed daikon. Longipinnatus Group SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. Japonicus Group , Raphanus sativus L. Stankevich , Raphanus sativus L. Stankevich, Raphanus sativus L. Bailey Yas CHINESE : Chang yu lie luo bo , Chang luo bo , Chang luo bo, Bai luo bo, Lai fu, Chang yu ye luo bo Medicinal name , Lai fu zi Medicinal name. DANISH : Japanræddike, Kinaræddike. DUTCH : Chinese radijs, Japanse rammenas , Winterradijs. ENGLISH : Oriental radish, Japanese white radish, Chinese radish, Giant white radish, Mooli, Radis oriental, True daikon. FINNISH : Daikonrättika, Japaninretikka. FRENCH : Daikon vrai , Navet chinois, Radis blanc du Japon, Radis blanc d'Asie. GERMAN : China-Rettich, Winterrettich. KOREAN : NHRI Mu u, NHRI Mu u kkot. MALAY : Lobak putih. PORTUGUESE : Rabano, Rabanete-branco-chinês Brazil , Rabanete-chinês Brazil , Rábano daikon Brazil. SPANISH : Rábano blanco, Rábano japonés, Daikon Argentina. VIETNAMESE : Củ cải trắng Daikon , Củ cải trắng còn non Young daikon , Củ cải trắng đã già Mature daikon. Types : Extra long white-fleshed white-skinned, Long white-fleshed white-skinned, Round white-fleshed white-skinned. Economic Plant Photographs 11. Longipinnatus Group ' Japanese Long Green ' ENGLISH : Japanese long green daikon, Long green-fleshed daikon. Longipinnatus Group ' Sakurajima ' ENGLISH : Sakurajima daikon, Sakurajima island giant radish, Giant daikon, Jumbo daikon USA. JAPANESE : Sakurajima daikon. Radicula Group SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. Hortensis Group , Raphanus sativus L. CHINESE : Ou zhou luo bo, Hong luo bo zi Cantonese Hung loh paak tsai. ENGLISH : European radish, French radish, Cultivated radish, Small-rooted radish, Spring radish, Summer radish. FINNISH : Retikka, Retiisi, Ruokaretikka. FRENCH : Radis d'été, Petit radis, Radis rose. GERMAN : Garten-Rettich, Monatsrettich, Radieschen. HUNGARIAN : Hónapos retek. JAPANESE : Yas Hatsuka daikon, Radeisshu, Hatsuka daikon. MALAY : Lobak berem, Rades Java. PORTUGUESE : Rabanete, Rabanetes escarlates. SPANISH : Rabanito, Rabanillo. SUNDANESE : Lobak berem. SWEDISH : Rädisa, Rättika. VIETNAMESE : Củ cải đỏ red radish , Radi. Types : Long white-fleshed red-skinned, Round white-fleshed red-skinned cherry type , Round white-fleshed white-skinned, Long white-fleshed white-skinned icycle , Round white-fleshed purple-skinned plum type , Semi-long white-fleshed yellow-skinned, Semi-long red-skinned white tip French breakfast type. Economic Plant Photographs 11. JAPANESE : Hama daikon. Most likely a synonym of NOPD Mansf Raphanus sativus L. According to many authors but something has got to be missing see below. SYNONYM S : Raphanus sativus L. ARABIC : Fijil alafi. CHINESE : Si liao luo bo, You yong luo bo. ENGLISH : Fodder radish, Oil radish, Oilseed radish. FRENCH : Radis fourrager, Radis oléifère, Radis oléagineux. ITALIAN : Rafano da foraggio. PORTUGUESE : Nabo-forrageiro Brazil , Rábano-de-azeite, Rábano-forrageiro. SERBIAN : Uljevna rotkva. SLOVANIAN : Krmna redkev. SPANISH : Rábano oleaginoso. TURKISH : Kestane turbu. ENGLISH : Radish weed, Wild radish, Weedy radish. JAPANESE : Yas Hama daikon. NOTES on cultivar groups of radishes 1. Some radishes are so pungent that they are confused with horseradish. One is known as the Chinese black radish or Black Spanish radish. Curiously only the long-rooted form, not the turnip-rooted form is considered. Gros raifort noir, Gros gris, Raifort, Raifort cultivé, Raifort des jardins, Raifort des Parisiens, Rave des Parisiens. See photograph at the French site Chez Marie :. The other is described as a wild radish and given the name probably not valid Raphanus sativus L. It is not formally recognized by taxonomists, broadly speaking it could be included into the Hortensis group on account of its European origin whilst closer to the winter types Chinese group due to its pungent taste and large size. It is well known in France but hardly spoken of elsewhere. Its French names are Raifort champètre, Raifort de l'Ardèche. It is less pungent than the common horseradish and is propagated by seed rather than by root cuttings. Photographs at Graines Caillard, and Graines Fabre, France. Graines Fabre Photograph of root:. I have come to the conclusion that no classification will ever satisfy every botanist and every grower of radishes. In an attempt to redress the inadequacies of the botanical classifications of the past, modern scientists are adopting the cultivar-group as a substitute to the complicated latin combinations of the past, but limiting oneself to one group without any sub-group cannot possibly satisfy all possibilities. Let us examine 3 possible sets and see where they fail to satisfy as meaningful grouping. Based on time elapsed between sowing and harvesting. Based on origin and main region of cultivation I would like to propose group names based on botanical Latin used in the past primarily so that people see a continuity in official names and secondly so that non-English people do not feel frustrated if their language is disregarded in favour of English. This may sound too politically correct to some but it makes sense. The main point I would like to put forward is that the Japanese Daikon also a Chinese radish but better known as a Japanese vegetable the world over due to the extensive breeding work carried out in Japan, its enormous domestic consumption and its wide promotion abroad , with its hundreds of cultivars, its sweet roots ranging from 50cm to 1m long and 1m in diameter as is the case with the Sakurajima daikon, is in a class of its own and as such needs its own group name, Japonicus being a suggestion as good as any. This seems the most practical and almost in line with L. Sazonova in Kulturnaya Fl. SSSR, 18: 211 - 1985. In Sazonova demarcations the Japanese radishes belong to the South Chinese group as opposed to the North Chinese group and the European group. Chinensis Group Pungent types 3. Japonicus Group Sweet-fleshed types European radish Chinese radish Chinese radish Small radish Japanese radish Japanese radish Spring radish Daikon Winter daikon Summer radish All season radish Summer daikon Spanish black radish Oriental radish 2. Based on botanical classifications of the past still relevant when consulting some reference books but not really good enough. Bailey forma micranthus Uechtr. Bailey forma bicolor var. In the future taxonomists will have to come up with a distinctive epithet or an official group name to separate each of those from the others. A natural plant that can grow a smooth-white-skinned root with a sweet flesh of up to a meter in diameter cannot be labelled with the same words that would describe a similar plant but with an average-sized rough black skinned-root with the pungency of horseradish, nor with a green-fleshed or red-fleshed small radish from Japan or China. Taxonomists the ball is in your court! This table from the Northern Ontario Plant Database. If all these names are synonyms then there is only one taxon, wait a minute! FLORA EUROPEA 1998, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, United Kingdom. Hô Pham-Hoang , 1991, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam, Set 1, Vol. Kerguélen Michel 1999, Index Synonymique de la Flore de France, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Kress Henriette , 1995-2004, Plant name database. NHRI, 2004, National Horticultural Research Institute NHRI. Rural Development Administration RDA. NHRI NOPD, 2004, Northern Ontario Plant Database. SSSR, 18: 211 - 1985. Glossário Sobre Verduras e Legumes. USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - GRIN. A number of languages, some romanised, Latin with authority names Wiersema J.